Our Curriculum

We are passionate about helping to improve the opportunities for young people and the communities where they live and are determined to make a difference. Too many young people complete High School without the tools to be financially, emotionally and physically healthy and are not energized to contribute to their community. We have enlisted a powerful team of nationally recognized education professionals to address the core issues that are too often ignored in current public education.


Students will receive job training and industry certification as a part of the school's curriculum. Students will be exposed to many career options, and counselors will organize internships for students with local business partners starting in 11th grade in the field of their choosing.


A robust work-study program, emphasis on STEM education, mental and physical health, wealth-building skills, goal visualization, and civics will all be integral to the curriculum.

College credit

Students will receive a college-qualified curriculum with a career focus. They will have the ability to earn college credit towards an associate's degree.

Financial literacy

Students will receive guidance in wealth-building skills, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy. Financial literacy will help the students understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing.

Socio-emotional learning

Socio-emotional learning (SEL) is a process that helps young people develop skills to manage their emotions, set goals, and make responsible decisions - skills that are critical for success in post-secondary life.

Civics & citizenship

Civics and citizenship education aims to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to be an active, responsible, and informed citizen.